Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I've been having some weird dreams lately. Weird and kind of scary. But at the same time, comforting..peaceful. Let me tell you why.

As rediculous as the images may be, in the background, a hymn will be playing. Most of the time it's "when peace like a river, attendeth my soul..." or "morning by morning, new mercies I see. All I have needed thy hand hath provided. Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me."

How can I feel afraid when my Father is all there, all the time, even when I am not?

Especially when I am not.

Thanksgiving is almost here! So of course I drew my hand turkey in my planner. So I wouldn't forget :) I am so excited for a break. I'm excited to have nice time to do whatever I want, like craft and make stuffed animals and Christmas ornaments. I am most excited about family time. I love my family. I am also really excited about time with my pets. They really do bring so much happiness into this world.

I get to see one of my favorite bands play in Georgia tomorrow night. Azure Ray. It will be a long drive, but worth it. I'll post photos of it later!


  1. i miss hearing about this stuff face to face over cinnamon tea.
    but i love hearing about it, and it shows me what God is doing in you and how He is stretching you and growing you, and it's beautiful!

  2. I know, I really miss you and really wish you lived here already. Why don't you stay with me for a little while when you come back?!
