Saturday, December 18, 2010


My Jesus, You satisfy.
He really does.
The other day I was experiencing some familiar feelings. Ones I really wasn't expecting to feel.
You know how sometimes you just want a specific someone to accept you, pay attention to you, admire you?
So you seek acceptance, attention and admiration from that person.
But it's never completely satisfying is it?
Remembering the truth that Jesus is the only One that can satisfy is hard.
But once realizing that truth, it is SO freeing.
Jesus DOES satisfy. I don't know why I feel so surprised when I hear that.
Of course He satisfies. He is perfect. He is beautiful. He is loving. He is LOVE!

Anyway, I am just really overwhelmed by that truth these past days and wanted to share.

1 comment:

  1. this is so awesome and wonderful.
    i was totally feeling this the other day, realizing it would be 5 months of really awkward hard in between time until i get married. i thought, why am i leaving my family for that? how the heck am i going to make it through it? and then i remembered that not even getting married will satisfy me.
    God is my soul's satisfaction, whether i feel it or not.
    how amazingly encouraging! it just makes everything else seem not so important.
    remember HM saying that when things get crazy, when she really stops and remembers Jesus, it's like she can't even focus on the stuff that seems so awful.
    that's what it's like.
    i'm so glad God reminded you of this
