Friday, October 22, 2010

Quick Start

"Blessed are they who did not see,
but, being blind, believed."

I am so amazed at how fast this week has gone. Well, when I think about it, I am more amazed at how fast these past few months have gone by. It's almost Thanksgiving...seems like summer was only yesterday. And even though it was only a little while ago, looking back, I can see the change in me from then to now. When I got back from Kenya, I was a mess.
Everything was happening so fast. I had just experienced things that broke my heart.
Things that had me questioning God's will, God's justice, God's love.
I arrived home and had to say goodbye to my elderly friends at the retirement community I worked for for over a year. I had to pack everything in my room in several boxes ready to be moved in only a couple of days. It would be my first time living away from home.
My first apartment. Adulthood? Now? Just like that?
A week and a half later, I was moved into my apartment, left alone...after being around so many people day after day for a few weeks, it was tough. Especially with so many things weighing on my mind. But I thank God for the patience He's had with me. I cannot understand it.
I am adjusting still, but I am enjoying, so much, the community I have here. My dear friends!
People that know me.
They know my voice, my facial expressions, my likes or obsessions, (cats), even my struggles...
It is plain to see that I was placed here to be pruned.
But I am so happy that I don't have to do it alone!
God is good and He is faithful.
I do miss my cat though.

1 comment:

  1. right before i read this i was thinking "man i really want to connect with veanez right now" and then i read this and it was awesome cause it's like i got a little gift of you.
    i'm so glad God has given us to each other as friends.
    also, i'm so glad He is taking you through this time, and that He is proving Himself trustworthy.
    i think above all else, for me being here, i am learning He is trustworthy.
    i'm also glad that you do that have community there, and that it's evident that God has placed you there. you are growing, and you are a woman and it's beautiful.
    pruning hurts. but i think later in life when you look back, we'll realized it was one of the best times :)
    i love you so much.
    you are valuable. and worthwhile
