Friday, October 29, 2010

Just a small reflection...

I am wearing the most comfortable pants I own.
(Not the ones in the photo, that was taken a few days ago.)
But it's crazy how something so simple, like comfortable pants, can turn your whole day around.
What puts you in a good mood?
For me, it's walking to school in the rain, coming up with crazy ideas with my sister, seeing a man with a beard, hearing my mother laugh uncontrollably, being able to be myself with my best friend, having my cat sitting on my shoulder, romping around with my dog Buffy, walking down the office supplies aisle, having time to craft, ect.
My sister is coming to Greensboro tomorrow!
Even though I probably won't be able to spend much time with her,
it will be nice to have family over.
If you like the story of Beowulf and want to waste 12 minutes, you should watch this video I helped my sister make for her english class. I think I only act this way when I'm with her.
PS: there is a boy in my Lit class that has my last name, Reyes. If I marry him, I wont have to change my name...something to consider.


  1. you probably should marry him then.
    it's got to be a sign!

    p.s. this was very encouraging for me to read :)

  2. Yeah only, I can tell he likes to do bad things. :( Such a turn off...

    PS, you are my best friend Sarah Hankins :)
